CEO’s Speech
Mohammad Reza Ashnavar | CEO & Vice President | winter 2021
Reaching the status of “The Best In The Country and An Internationally Fitting Choice” in this circumstance that the country is experiencing the toughest economic downturn yet, in the shortest time possible seems out of reach. But we desire to be so and we will.
Creating value through high quality service, reaching goals within a reasonable timeframe , appropriate prices and post-sale services are part of the eight pillars of Meshi division Green Polour quality strategic plan . We are aiming for customer satisfaction and hope to deliver a good experience to the customer from the very first step of choosing Green Polour to receiving the services. Our desires and goals are “fair Competition With Competitors'', “ A Win-Win interaction with the shareholders” and “Popularity With the Customers”.
Mobility and flexibility are part of the essential traits of a swift company which stems from understanding the target market and recognizing the strength of the competitors and choosing the effective strategy. These actions are an accelerating or an inhibiting factor in the journey of the company in a competitive market. Creating variety in the products and services and entering a mindset of mass producing freighter wagons side by side with passenger and service wagons and overhauling different locomotive, cargo and passenger wagons, is one of the added values of Green Polour which in addition to gravitating different customers towards the company, it also harbors efficiently managing resources and maximizing productivity.