History Of GPIG
Green Polor industrial group is one of the country’s leading companies in the railroad transportation sector which has a resume spanning over two decades in regards to designing, producing, exporting and importing different types of vehicles and heavy and light weighted railway transporting vehicles. The resume also includes specialized repairing of the fleet rail, performing all of the monetary and economic activities related to the company and in the form of a special joint stock company at the date of 2002/03/24 in Tehran’s companies registration and non-commercial institutions office with a permit registered for production of 500 transportation wagons.
After three years have passed from the registration of the Green Polor company, the wagon production factory of GPIG was built in the county of Zarand in the state of Kerman and has achieved the technology for production of prime sleep transportation wagons under the license of Astra Romani . During the acquisition of establishment license from the Kerman state’s industries and mines office, the structure of the Green Polor company changed in 2006 from private equity to public equity and also the shares of the company were given to the Teacher’s investment fund (TIFCO) in 2009 In 2021 with the managerial strategy change, the company was successful in changing the previous utilization license to produce 7 types of differentiated products and services including designing and producing cargo wagon, freight transportation wagons, low side flat transportation wagons, hopper wagons, body of metro wagon, reconstruction and renovation of wagons, reconstruction and renovation of locomotives and creation and assembly of necessary metal pieces. In the current state, the total capacity of yearly production is around 850 units composing different passenger and cargo wagons.