After Sales Service
After Sales Service
In today’s business, focus on high quality is one of the most important responsibilities of manufacturing companies and after sales service is the guarantor of preservation for this quality. Due to this, Green Polour industrial group, doesn’t believe that a sale means the end of communication with their customer and has established the after-sales service unit with the aim of protecting customer rights which is high on its agenda.

The Abilities Of After-Sales Service Unit
Handling Received Reports
Handling received reports from operating companies in regards to detecting the guarantee criteria and presenting analytical report about the damages to the customer
Support Services
Supporting and updating specialist softwares that are used for manufacturing products
Garantee Services
Full coverage of garantee services and outside of the guarantee criteria using specialist personal of after-sale service unit and production support
Spare Parts Supply
Able to offer spare parts if needed by the customer
Provide Service And Repairs
Offering free service and periodic repairs under the guarantee period of the products
Customer Surveys
Conduct surveys in order to improve the process of offering after-sale service